What a week!

I'm writing this blog post as I stand up on a train, surrounded by a case full of dirty laundry, a handbag full of girl junk, a bag full of uni work, a heavy laptop case, and a lot of sweaty people. Yes, I'm on my way home for the weekend. I need to ground myself. I've had a crazy week...

Reason 1 for going home - I need a proper meal. I woke up on Tuesday night with a viral infection. I've been so ill I've barely eaten all week and I can feel the weight dropping off me. I want nothing more right now than a roast dinner with my Mum's lovely gravy.

Reason 2 for going home - I need to do work without distractions. Even though my bubble of my uni room isn't full of many distractions, getting sat down doing work, and staying there for any long period of time is difficult. My course mates have a big night out planned and as much as I know it'll be fun, I need to do some productive work, and a hangover does not fit in the same sentence as productiveness.

This week I became an official student midwife at the university affirmation event. An afternoon of speeches from some pretty inspirational people followed by cake and Prosecco was very lovely and it was great to socialise with my entire cohort - I really wish we mingled a bit more but we've kind of all got our groups now. The day wasn't without it's stress though, I started it off by getting stuck in a lift during a fire alarm (we were already in the lift when the alarm went off so getting out was an issue). On the way to the event, I then walked into a lamp post (yep - doesn't just happen in the movies).

I've come home a different person to the girl that left for uni five weeks ago - I've lost weight, got bent glasses, a black eye, and a much lighter bank balance. I'd say it's going well!

See you soon!

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